Kidnapped At Old Times Free Two
TrueTypeUso pessoal
KidnapedAtOldTimes Free Two.ttf
Nota do autor
Kidnapped at Old Times Free, by Intellecta Design
This is a special free version to demonstrate the goodies of the Kidnapped Collection. Kidnapped are 21 fonts (and growing up) of some of the most decorative caps we have ever carried. Decorative caps can capture the attention of anyone when used well. These caps are remarkably interesting and very detailed. So many to choose from. Easier to just order the whole family! Intellecta Design is a Brazilian type foundry interested in typographical research and revivals of all forms of ancient typefaces and handwriting styles. It searches historical churches, museums and similar institutions to develop handwriting and other fonts from old documents.
To purchase the complete Kidnapped at Old Times collection (21 different font sets and over 1000 different, exotical and intrincated letters)
and commercial licences, please, visit:
Visit my commercial library :
Donations are appreciated!
This is a special free version to demonstrate the goodies of the Kidnapped Collection. Kidnapped are 21 fonts (and growing up) of some of the most decorative caps we have ever carried. Decorative caps can capture the attention of anyone when used well. These caps are remarkably interesting and very detailed. So many to choose from. Easier to just order the whole family! Intellecta Design is a Brazilian type foundry interested in typographical research and revivals of all forms of ancient typefaces and handwriting styles. It searches historical churches, museums and similar institutions to develop handwriting and other fonts from old documents.
To purchase the complete Kidnapped at Old Times collection (21 different font sets and over 1000 different, exotical and intrincated letters)
and commercial licences, please, visit:
Visit my commercial library :
Donations are appreciated!
Mapa de caracteres
Porfavor use o menu suspenso para ver os diferentes mapas de caracteres contidos nesta fonte.
Informaçőes de fontes básicas
Nota de direitos autorais
Copyright (c) 2011 by Paulo W, Intellecta Design. All rights reserved.
Família da fonte
Kidnapped At Old Times Free Two
Subfamília da fonte
Identificação única da subfamília
PauloW,IntellectaDesign: Kidnapped At Old Times Free Two: 2011
Nome completo da fonte
Kidnapped At Old Times Free Two
Versão da tabela de nomes
Version 1.000 2011 initial release
Nome da fonte do postscript
Nota da marca registrada
Kidnapped At Old Times Free Two is a trademark of Paulo W, Intellecta Design.
Nome do fabricante
Paulo W, Intellecta Design
Copyright (c) 2011 by Paulo W, Intellecta Design. All rights reserved.
Informações da fonte estendida
Plataformas suportadas
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e semântica em diante, Unicode BMP só.
MicrosoftUnicode BMP só
Detalhes da fonte
Contagem de glifos102
Unidades por Em1000
Direitos de IncorporaçăoIncorporação para visualização e impressão permitida
Classe da famíliaSem classificaçăo
PesoMédio (normal)
AmplitudeMédio (normal)
Estilo para MacNegrito
EndereçoApenas glifos fortemente da esqueda para a direita + neutros
Padrăo naturalContorno