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Informaçőes de fontes básicas
Nota de direitos autorais
c.2009 Bill Roach
Família da fonte
Subfamília da fonte
Identificação única da subfamília
Glyphstream 1.0
Nome completo da fonte
Versão da tabela de nomes
Version 1.00 August 3, 2009, initial release
Nome da fonte do postscript
BIll Roach
This font(s) c.2009 Bill Roach.
August 3, 2009
#1, This license grants the user the right to use this font(s) for productions and purposes, commercial and non-commercial, royalty
and gratuity free - in perpetuity - with no obligations of fee or recompensation toward the author, or the author's agencies.
#2, This license grants the user the right to distribute this font commercially (with exception) and non-commercially.
Commercial distribution only - requires that this font(s) is NOT sold by itself, or only exclusively with other works by this
specific author, without the author's knowledge and permission.
This font(s) MAY BE bundled either with fonts by other authors as part of a mixed compilation,
embedded in a software application as part of that application, or bundled with another commercial product.
In short (more germainly) - this font(s) is NOT to be sold by itself.
#3, This license grants the user the right to create derivatives of this font(s), and claim them as their own works, provided that
they (the derivatives) are either given a totally different font name - or the font(s) name taken from the original(s) is prefixed,or
suffixed by an indication that it is not by the original artist, such as name initials - or a secondary version name that is NOT
merely any of the words "Alt", "Bold", "Condensed", "Light or Lite", "Narrow", Oblique", or "Regular" exclusively.
#1, This font(s) is NOT to be copied verbatum (identically) and the copy edited so that it's embedded author name and license information
is removed / deleted, or the font is copied by some means that does not retain this information.
#2, This font is not to be distributed without it's accompanieing documentation.
This font is roughly equivalent to the standard SIL / OFL license.
August 3, 2009
#1, This license grants the user the right to use this font(s) for productions and purposes, commercial and non-commercial, royalty
and gratuity free - in perpetuity - with no obligations of fee or recompensation toward the author, or the author's agencies.
#2, This license grants the user the right to distribute this font commercially (with exception) and non-commercially.
Commercial distribution only - requires that this font(s) is NOT sold by itself, or only exclusively with other works by this
specific author, without the author's knowledge and permission.
This font(s) MAY BE bundled either with fonts by other authors as part of a mixed compilation,
embedded in a software application as part of that application, or bundled with another commercial product.
In short (more germainly) - this font(s) is NOT to be sold by itself.
#3, This license grants the user the right to create derivatives of this font(s), and claim them as their own works, provided that
they (the derivatives) are either given a totally different font name - or the font(s) name taken from the original(s) is prefixed,or
suffixed by an indication that it is not by the original artist, such as name initials - or a secondary version name that is NOT
merely any of the words "Alt", "Bold", "Condensed", "Light or Lite", "Narrow", Oblique", or "Regular" exclusively.
#1, This font(s) is NOT to be copied verbatum (identically) and the copy edited so that it's embedded author name and license information
is removed / deleted, or the font is copied by some means that does not retain this information.
#2, This font is not to be distributed without it's accompanieing documentation.
This font is roughly equivalent to the standard SIL / OFL license.
Informações da fonte estendida
Plataformas suportadas
MicrosoftUnicode BMP só
UnicodeUnicode 2.0 e semântica em diante, Unicode BMP só.
Detalhes da fonte
Contagem de glifos160
Unidades por Em1024
Direitos de IncorporaçăoIncorporação de edição permitida
Classe da famíliaSem classificaçăo
PesoMédio (normal)
AmplitudeMédio (normal)
Estilo para MacNegrito
EndereçoApenas glifos fortemente da esquerda para a direita
Padrăo naturalRegular
AfastamentoNăo monoespaçado